6 Unusual and Funny Places Missbeachykeen has Fallen Asleep While Abroad

6 Unusual and Funny Places Missbeachykeen has Fallen Asleep While Abroad


I have always been notorious for falling asleep in random places! Since day one actually, in my childhood photo albums you will see endless pictures of me asleep in various positions in different places. No I don’t have narcolepsy, I just can fall asleep very easily. My sleeping ability has made for some funny stories of places I find myself asleep, mostly in abnormal areas. Here are 6 stories from when I’ve woken from some interesting cat naps.

  1. While Pretending to Pray…

I know, random… right? I was in my first year of university, one of my good friends convinced me to come to a Christian lunchtime bible study session in the main lecture hall. I am not very religious, to say the least, but I was bored at lunch in-between classes and my friend didn’t want to go by herself so I accepted her invitation to be a good friend. The bible study session was beginning to go a bit longer than expected and then it was prayer time. In a large and full lecture hall everyone began to close their eyes, bow their heads, and listen; then it happen, I was out like a light, eyes closed, head down, arms crossed… gone. In an unknown amount of time, I got a nudge from my friend, “Dana, you’re asleep.” “Oh, sorry” I said while giggling to myself. She told me that people were noticing. When everyone was done praying and lifted their head, I was visibly asleep. I apologized and came up with some excuse as to why I was so tired. She wasn’t very impressed at the time and I think I actually really embarrassed her, but we still have a good laugh about it when we see each other.

  1. In the movie theater on a date watching The Hobbit.

If you have seen the, The Hobbit, you may or may not remember a scene where the Hobbit people start singing. Yup, a very long hobbit song of hobbits running around singing hobbit songs. In my option, this should put anyone to sleep. It was in the first half an hour of the movie and I was gone. I was supposed to be on a romantic date with my then boyfriend and here I was passed out in a movie theater. The movie theater being a dark room, plus the singing hobbits was a perfect recipe for an inconvenient snooze. Just like the last story I got a, “Dana, You’re asleep” I answered with an, “Oh sorry, the hobbit singing must have put me to sleep”. I now know I cannot watch musicals at the theater. Every time someone mentions this movie I always have a laugh about the little lullaby of the Hobbit song.

  1. In the dentist chair.

Yes, you read that right, I fell asleep while in the dentist chair. I am not talking about the waiting room.  It was mouth open, tools in my mouth cavity and everything. I got a little tap and the hygienist said with a laugh, “Um hello Dana, you were asleep.” Like I haven’t heard those words before right? “Oh sorry” I replied. We both laughed. Supposedly falling asleep in the dentist chair is more common than you would think.

  1. My infamous bar bathroom snooze.

This started when a friend and I would take what we called a, “drunk 10”. We would each get into a stall, obviously and both set our phone alarms for 10 minute and take a wee snooze while sitting on the toilet.  Sometimes when the spins come on all you need is a little cat nap to sober up. It actually doesn’t work very well and I wouldn’t recommend doing it. It makes you feel worse to be honest. In Australia with my friend it was totally a normal thing we did together, but when I got back home to Canada and did it there, my group of friends thought I was absolutely crazy. They make fun of me still to this day.

  1. While at the Hair dressers getting my hair done.

I am really close with my hair dresser in Canada and she’s more like a good friend to me. I had just come back from a massive trip through South East Asia and I was jet legged so much so that I could hardly keep my eyes open during the day. While my foils were in and my hair dresser was in the bathroom, I fell into a peaceful slumber. My head was fully in the downward position and I was passed out and I even remember dreaming. I got a, “DANA you fell asleep.” I woke up and apologized. My hair dresser still picks on me for my little snooze I had in her chair and I am now known as, ‘Dana the blonde girl that fell asleep with her foils on’.

  1. 2 hours from my desired train stop.

I’m sure we have all heard of this one before and probably happens all the time. While I was working in Sydney I had to take the train an hour to get to and from work. On my commute home one day, I woke up 2 hours from my stop after the conductor announced that the train was at its last stop for the night and everyone had to get off. I got off half asleep with squinty eyes and then realized I was 2 hours from home. I shook my head with disbelief and laughed out loud to myself. “Good one Dana,” I thought to myself. After that day, I had to set an alarm 10 minutes before my stop because I did not trust myself.

Safe Snoozes!

Do you have a similar story? Lets hear it!


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